People Are Tired of Being Human

A series of photographs about fractured identities and digitally driven society.

This work was featured in a three-person exhibit, alongside works from Mx Justin Vivian Bond and Liz Collins, at AMP Gallery (Provincetown, MA) from August 29th through September 21st, 2014. The work was developed at the Hotbox Residency at MASS Gallery in the summer of 2013.


This work is about how and why people fracture themselves in this digitally driven society. It’s about how self-appointed experts irresponsibly scramble for half-baked knowledge, arbitrarily certify, purchase confidence and prioritize immediacy over accuracy or effect. It’s about marveling at the speed with which science is turning fantasy into reality and poking sympathetic fun at the layperson’s naïve interpretation of this process. It’s about the ominous technological threat that a human’s brain could eventually outlive its body and understanding how wealth plays a factor in who gets to play/stay alive. It’s about mental over-stimulation, physical exhaustion and mulling over the idea of being forced to grant one’s self the permission to die.  

As our life spans increase and medical science improves on body part replacement, living for ever becomes a burden… the effect this would have on artists – who didn’t have to make their mark in a limited life span rather had unlimited time to produce and hone and perfect rather than sending

In a society where everyone is scrambling to gather knowledge as fast as possible, but paying no attention to the knowledge gathered or how to disseminate it. Driving desire to know everything at the right moment, accuracy is second to wanting to sound important, correct, confident. Self-Appointed Expert.

It’s impossible to write something about what you want to say because by the time you get it out there to say it you don’t want to say it any more.

Everything is collapsing in on itself. The remyx has been remyxed. Enjoy the ride.


Hope Is Expensive

